What does dog Cardiology entail?

Cardiology is the study of the heart, and it can also involve the lungs as well because they're connected. Typically, it involves a physical exam, X-rays of the chest, and an ultrasound of the heart called an echocardiogram.

Dr. Kelley Wallace

What is a dog cardiologist and how can my dog see one?

A dog cardiologist is a specialist, a veterinarian who has specialty training in the heart and has advanced techniques and knowledge in treating those conditions. You can see one through a referral. We can place a referral to you. There are several options in Charlotte where we can have you see a cardiologist and get an opinion with them and some testing to see what your pet needs.

What are the most common cardiovascular conditions you see in dogs?

The most common one is going to be a mitral valve regurgitation or a heart murmur with the mitral valve. It's very common in small breed dogs like Chihuahuas, Poodles, and Shih Tzus. In large breed dogs, we more commonly see heart murmurs as well, but one of the big ones is dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM.

Are certain dog breeds at risk for heart conditions?

Yes, in general, small breed dogs are at more risk for heart murmurs like mitral valve or might have heart birth defects where you might have stenosis or narrowing of a valve, like the aortic valve or the pulmonic valve. Large breed dogs, especially purebreds, are more prone to a genetic condition. It can be genetic dilated cardiomyopathy. Boxers, Dobermans, and German Shepherds are very prone to it. It's been bred into the line over the years, so we see that more commonly in those breeds than other large breed dogs.

How soon should I bring my dog in to see a veterinarian if I suspect they have heart disease?

Very soon. If your dog is acting normal, schedule an appointment with us. If your dog is struggling to breathe, can't lay down, or their gums are blue, you need to call us and bring your dog in right away.

Can my dog have a heart attack?

A heart attack in the human field is when there is a blood clot that blocks off blood flow to the heart. Typically, those don't happen in animals. Dogs typically have chronic long-term heart issues that can look like a potential heart attack, but it's not a technical heart attack.

Will cardiovascular conditions decrease my dog's quality of life?

They can if gone untreated. A lot of our dogs, like those with murmurs, can be managed very well with medications. The sooner we get the pet on the medications, monitor the murmur, and get things treated, the longer they will live. Like with dilated cardiomyopathy, it can be very hard to diagnose, but if we can diagnose it early and get those pets on medications and help them, the longer they will live. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do to stop dilated cardiomyopathy. In the human world, when you develop dilated cardiomyopathy, typically, a heart transplant is part of the conversation. We don't do those in animals, but by putting them on medications, they can live longer, happier lives.

What is congestive heart failure and how does it affect my dog?

Congestive heart failure is kind of the end stage of heart disease in dogs. It's the point where the body can't compensate anymore. Fluid starts building up in the chest, abdomen, and lungs. The dog, you know, the pet can't breathe. They might have blue mucous membranes or gums. When you start reaching congestive heart failure, a lot of times, medications aren't as helpful as if they were before we got to congestive heart failure.

What role does diet play in managing heart disease?

There are some heart-healthy diets out there that are prescription. We recommend them based on each pet's situation. In general, a low-fat diet with exercise is good for your pet. Getting the weight off your pet if they're obese can help ease the pressure on the chest and lungs. Common signs of heart disease in dogs include a chronic cough, high heart rate, high respiratory rate, decreased activity, and tiring easily.

What are the warning signs of a dog dying of heart failure?

Their mucous membranes or gums are blue. They might have an enlarged abdomen, can't settle down, can't lay down, can't rest, and have to sit up because the heart is so large and there's fluid. When they lay down, they can't breathe comfortably. Sometimes, dogs can just suddenly pass away from heart failure. They might throw a clot or it might be so advanced that we can't see it on the outside, and you might just suddenly find them passed away at home.

How will a veterinarian go about diagnosing heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions?

First, with a physical exam looking at heart rate, respiratory rates, we take chest X-rays. We also do something called a cardio proBNP on all of our blood panels here, which is an enzyme that tests for stretch of the heart muscle. When that's elevated over a certain level, it really indicates that something could be going on, and we will stress that the pet needs chest X-rays, possibly a referral to a cardiologist for an ultrasound, electrocardiogram. We also test blood pressures and perform an ECG, which is where we look at the electrical conductivity of the heart to see if there are any abnormal findings or tracings on the ECG or EKG.

What is the treatment for congestive heart failure in dogs?

Medications. A lot of times, we put them on several medications to help the heart, help the blood pressure, and a lot of times a diuretic to help pull fluid off the body. When a pet does reach congestive heart failure, they will advance quicker than if they're not in congestive heart failure, and we have medications we can add over time. But at some point in time, medications will stop working, and we'll have to consider quality of life with the pet.

How long can a dog live with congestive heart failure?

True congestive heart failure, not long once they're very clinical. If they're not very clinical and have mild symptoms, dogs can live many years if on the right medications and managed correctly.

What types of preventive care can help my dog avoid cardiovascular issues?

Most cardiovascular issues are going to develop no matter what we do. It's just part of the pet's life, especially if they're prone to it like small breed dogs with a murmur or large breed dogs with dilated cardiomyopathies. One thing we do not recommend is grain-free diets. When grain-free diets hit the market a little while ago, we started noticing an increase in diagnosing dilated cardiomyopathy, especially in large breed dogs. We found that the amino acids in grains are essential to large breed dogs' heart health, and the lack of those amino acids can increase the incidence of dilated cardiomyopathy. We've seen that here at Catawba Heights Animal Hospital. People think they're doing the right thing by putting their pet on a grain-free diet because of commercials or pet food store advertisements, but that's incorrect. Pets do need grains to lead an active, healthy life and to have a happy, healthy heart. Once a pet develops dilated cardiomyopathy from a grain-free diet, we can't reverse that. So, it's essential to make sure your pet is getting grains daily in their diet.

Do you have any advice on how to comfort a pet with congestive heart failure?

Get them on the right medications, get them treated with their veterinarian, and just listen to your pet. Let them do what they want to do. Don't push it with exercise or excitement. Let them follow their lead. When you're exercising and they sit down and they're tired, they're tired. Go home; they're done for the day. If they start coughing a lot or can't catch their breath when you have people over, maybe we put them in a separate room or limit the number of people coming over to decrease their excitement.

Do medications for heart conditions in dogs have any side effects pet owners should know about?

Yes, some medications, mostly diuretics, which are commonly called fluid pills, will cause your pet to drink more and pee more because it's forcing the body to pee out all the fluid that's building up. It makes them feel like they're dehydrated, so you will see more drinking and peeing. But it will pull the fluid off the chest or the abdomen, depending on where it is, and allow them to be more comfortable. It is a side effect that most people are okay dealing with as their pet feels better.

How often should my dog be checked by a veterinarian if they have a heart condition?

At minimum once a year, ideally twice a year. At least chest X-rays once a year, blood work once a year, including the cardio proBNP, and probably an echocardiogram and ultrasound with a specialist once a year.

Can exercise benefit my dog with heart disease? If so, how much?

All exercise is good for all pets, but you need to follow your pet's lead. When they stop and get tired, are panting more, or their heart rate's elevated, you stop, take a break. They're done for the day. Just follow their lead.

What are the long-term care needs for dogs with heart conditions?

It's going to be medications daily, sometimes twice a day. These pets would also benefit from a home boarding situation as opposed to going into a boarding facility due to the stress it would put on the heart from the pet being stressed. But just daily medications along with annual blood work, X-rays, and possibly an ultrasound of the heart are typically the long-term care needs.

If you have questions, we would love to answer them for you. Please give us a call at the office at (704) 827-0616, or you can email us at [email protected]. Our staff would love to talk with you!

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